function IERenderSVGTagToBitmap(Dest: TIEBitmap; const TagContent: String): Boolean; overload;
function IERenderSVGTagToBitmap(Dest: TIEBitmap; Tag: TIESVGTag; ScaleX: Double = 1.0; ScaleY: Double = 1.0; StyleDefinitions: TStringList = nil): Boolean; overload;
Render a single tag to a bitmap. Optionally specifying a scale.
Result is false if the tag could not be interpreted.
Note: To render an entire image, use
ParseSVG | Demos\InputOutput\SVGParsing\SVGParsing.dpr |
IERenderSVGTagToBitmap( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap, '<path d="M 10 80 Q 95 10 180 80" stroke="black" fill="white"/>' );
IERenderSVGTagToBitmap( ImageEnView1.IEBitmap, '<text x="400" y="80" font-family="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" font-size="24">This is SVG Text</text>' );