Occurs when the state of the button action is updated (i.e. needs to be set visible or enabled). The default behaviour can be overriden by setting Handled to true.
It also handles the state for custom buttons.
The action or control being updated. See details below
When False the default state behaviour occurs. Set to true to apply your own state setting code
The Sender type will be one of the following: ◼TToolButton for custom buttons ◼TComboBox showing a shape (IELayerShapeBox_Button_ID) ◼TPaintBox for colors, fonts, sizes, etc. (IELayerFontColorSelect_Button_ID, IELayerFontBox_Button_ID, IELayerFillBox_Button_ID, IELayerBorderSizeBox_Button_ID, IELayerBorderColorBox_Button_ID, IEViewToolBrushSizeBox_Button_ID, IEViewToolColor_Button_ID, IEViewZoomBox_Button_ID, IERichEditFontColor_Button_ID, IERichEditFontBox_Button_ID) ◼TAction from the ImageEn Actions Classes (all other types)
Note: ◼This method is called frequently, so avoid slow code ◼You can alternatively use the global event, OnToolbarButtonUpdate
procedure TMainForm.ImageEnViewToolbar1ActionUpdate(Sender: TObject; ButtonID: Integer; var Handled: Boolean); begin // Disable opening once we have a valid image if Sender is TImageEnViewPromptToOpen then begin TImageEnViewPromptToOpen(Sender).Enabled := ImageEnView1.IsEmpty(False); Handled := True; end; end;