ImageEn, unit iexUserInteractions



TIEFillToolInteraction = class(TIEUserInteraction);


A class of TIEUserInteraction that provides properties when color filling using MouseInteractGeneral=miColorFill or alpha filling using MouseInteractGeneral=miAlphaFill.

The Fill tool allows the user to click the image to flood fill an area of color with a new color or alpha transparency.


// Fill clicked areas with blue
ImageEnView1.FillTool.ColorFillValue := $00FF8000;
ImageEnView1.FillTool.Tolerance  := 128;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [ miColorFill ];

// Fill clicked areas with transparency
ImageEnView1.FillTool.AlphaFillValue := 0;
ImageEnView1.FillTool.Tolerance  := 128;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [ miAlphaFill ];

// Fill clicked areas with 50% transparency
ImageEnView1.FillTool.AlphaFillValue := 128;
ImageEnView1.MouseInteractGeneral := [ miAlphaFill ];


Demo  Demos\ImageEditing\FillTool\FillTool.dpr

Methods and Properties

Public Property  AlphaFillValue
Public Property  ColorFillValue
Public Property  ColorSelectActions
Public Property  MaxFilter
Public Property  ResetAfterColorSelect
Public Property  SampleSize
Public Property  Tolerance

See Also

 ImageEn Interactive Tools
 TImageEnView Actions