ImageEn, unit iexBitmaps




procedure ResetInfo(ResetItems: TIEMetaInfoItems = []);


Clear the meta-data within the current image to reduce its file size.
You can use ContainsInfo to determine what meta-data your file contains.

Note: Clearing InputICCProfile or JPEG_MarkerList may change the display of JPEG files that make use of an ICC Profile.

If Values for ResetItems is [] then all items are cleared. Values for ResetItems:
Value Description
ierAnnotations Clears ImageEnAnnot and ImagingAnnot
ierDicomTags Resets DICOM_Tags and DICOM position info
ierEXIF Calls ResetEXIF to clear all EXIF tags
ierICC Resets InputICCProfile
ierIPTC Resets IPTC_Info
ierJPEGMarkers Clears JPEG_MarkerList. Note: Does not remove ICC Profile Marker unless ierICC is also included
ierXMP Clears XMP_Info
ierOtherTextMeta Clears GIF_Comments, PNG_TextKeys, PNG_TextValues, PNG_Chunks, TIFF_DocumentName, TIFF_ImageDescription, TIFF_PageName, IEN_Description, PDF Properties, TGA_Author, TGA_Descriptor, TGA_ImageName, PXM_Comments

This can be used to reduce the size of images.

The following operations are performed:
 Resets IPTC_Info
 Clears ImageEnAnnot
 Clears ImagingAnnot
 Clears JPEG_MarkerList
 Calls ResetEXIF to clear EXIF tags
 Clears GIF_Comments
 Resets DICOM_Tags and DICOM position info
 Clears IEN_Description
 Clears PNG meta-data: PNG_TextKeys and PNG_TextValues
 Clears TIFF meta-data: TIFF_DocumentName, TIFF_ImageDescription and TIFF_PageName
 Clears TGA meta-data: TGA_Author, TGA_Descriptor and TGA_ImageName
 Clears PXM_Comments
 Clears XMP_Info
 Clears all PDF Properties
 Resets InputICCProfile


Demo  Demos\InputOutput\BatchConvert\BatchConvert.dpr


// Clear all meta-data

// Clear meta-data excluding the ICC profile and JPEG_MarkerList
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.ResetInfo([ ierAnnotations, ierDicomTags, ierEXIF, ierIPTC, ierXMP, ierOtherTextMeta ]);

// Strip all tags from a dicom file
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( OpenImageEnDialog1.FileName );
if  ImageEnView1.IO.Params.FileType = ioDICOM then
  destFN := ChangeFileExt( ImageEnView1.IO.Params.FileName, '-ExclTags.dicom' );
  ImageEnView1.IO.InjectDICOMTags( ImageEnView1.IO.Params.FileName, destFN );