ImageEn, unit iemview




property Filter: String;


Limit display to files that match a specified filter.
By default, filteres are compared against the filename, but you can specify an alternative field using FilterField.
You can also filter by index by prefixing values with a # symbol.
If Filter is blank, all files are displayed.

When filtering is active the filtered frames are hidden from display but still available programmatically
For more control over filtering use OnFilter

Text filtering is formatted as follows:
Value Description
*TEXT* (or just TEXT) Matches strings containing "text"
TEXT* Matches strings that start with "text"
*TEXT Matches strings that end with "text"
"TEXT" Matches strings that are an exact match with "text"

Text Filtering Notes:
Filtering is case-insensitive
Folders are not filtered (use index filtering or OnFilter instead)
Only the filename and its extension is assessed, not the path

Index filtering is formatted as follows:
Value Description
#0,2,5 Show thumbs 0, 2 and 5
#5-7 Show thumbs 5, 6 and 7
#10+ Show thumbs 10 and higher
#0,2,6-7,10+ Show thumbs 0, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12.

Index Filtering Notes:
Index filters must be prefixed by #
Index values are zero-based, e.g. #0 shows only the first frame, #1 shows only the second frame
Index values do NOT need to be ordered or exclusive, e.g. "#1-5, 3, 1" is acceptable

Data and numbering filtering is formatted as follows:
Value Description
>100 Value is greater than 100
>=100 Value is >= 100
=100 Value is equal to 100
<=100 Value is <= filter
<100 Value is less than filter

Data and numbering Filtering Notes:
Only supported by fields: iesbImageSize, iesbFileSize, iesbCreateDate, iesbEditDate
iesbImageSize are specifield as W x H values, e.g. >1000000 means more than one megapixel
iesbFileSize are specified as bytes, e.g. <1024 means less one KB
iesbCreateDate and iesbEditDate are specified as simple dates, e.g using DateToStr(), e.g. on a US system >=12/25/2022 would mean on or after Christmas 2022


Demo  Demos\Multi\Filtering\Filtering.dpr


// Display files that start with "Image"
IEFolderMView1.Filter := 'image*';

// Display files containing "Italy" anywhere in Info text
IEFolderMView1.FilterField := iesbInfoText;
IEFolderMView1.Filter := '*italy*';

// Display any files ending in 2015
IEFolderMView1.Filter := '*2015.*';

// Display PNG files ending in 2015
IEFolderMView1.Filter := '*2015.png';

// Display PNG files
IEFolderMView1.Filter := '*.png';

// Alternatively...
IEFolderMView1.FilterField := iesbFileExtension;
IEFolderMView1.Filter := '"png"';

// Display file of index 1 (Second thumbnail)
IEFolderMView1.Filter := '#1';

// Display files containing text #1
IEFolderMView1.Filter := '*#1*';

// Display file of index 0, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17...
IEFolderMView1.Filter := '#0,2,6-7,10-11,15+';

// Display images greater than 10 mega-pixels
IEFolderMView1.FilterField := iesbImageSize;
IEFolderMView1.Filter      := '>' + IntToStr( 10*1000*1000 );

// Display images smaller than 1KB
IEFolderMView1.FilterField := iesbFileSize;
IEFolderMView1.Filter      := '<' + IntToStr( 1024 );

// Return images modified in the last week
IEFolderMView1.FilterField := iesbEditDate;
IEFolderMView1.Filter      := '<=' + DateToStr( Now - 7 );

// Clear the filter (show all files)
IEFolderMView1.Filter := '';

See Also


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