ImageEn, unit imageenview




procedure Select(x1, y1, x2, y2: integer; Op: TIESelOp = iespReplace); overload;
procedure Select(R: TRect; Op: TIESelOp = iespReplace); overload;


Selects a portion of the image.
The selected area will be outlined with an animated rectangle.
If SelectionBase is iesbClientArea (default) all coordinates depend on actual zoom and scrolling.
If SelectionBase is iesbBitmap, all coordinates refer to bitmap pixels.

Parameter Description
x1 Top-left horizontal position
y1 Top-left vertical position
x2 Bottom-right horizontal position. Last column not selected
y2 Bottom-right vertical position. Last row not selected
Op Selection operation (add or replace selection). If Op is iespReplace, Select replaces all previous selections. If Op is iespAdd, Select adds a new selection

The style of selection are specified by:

x2, y2 represent the right/bottom margin (i.e. those pixels are not selected).

ImageEnView1.SelectionBase := iesbBitmap;
ImageEnView1.Select( 100, 100, 200, 200 );
Caption := format(' %d,%d,%d,%d', [ ImageEnView1.SelX1, ImageEnView1.SelY1, ImageEnView1.SelX2, ImageEnView1.SelY2 ]);
// Caption will be: 100,100,199,199

To select an area of 1x1 pixels, you would use 0,0,1,1 (as the column 1 and the row 1 aren't selected).


// Increase contrast of bitmap rectangle (0,0,49,49)
ImageEnView1.SelectionBase := iesbBitmap;
ImageEnView1.Select(0, 0, 50, 50);

// Enlarge the selection by ten pixels on all sides
With ImageEnView1 do
  SelectionBase := iesbBitmap;
  Select( SelX1 - 10, SelY1 - 10, SelX2 - 10, SelY2 - 10 );

// Select whole image and allow user to deselect circular regions
With ImageEnView1 do
  SelectionBase := iesbBitmap;
  Select( 0, 0, IEBitmap.Width, IEBitmap.Height );
  ShiftKeyLock  := [ iessCtrl_SubFromSel ];
  MouseInteractGeneral := [ miSelectCircle ];

// Subtract a circular area from a rectangular selection
ImageEnView1.Select( 42, 133, 326, 214, iespReplace );
ImageEnView1.SelectEllipse( 145, 130, 155, 170, iespSubtract );

// Apply negative effect at 50% intensiry
ImageEnView1.SelectionMaskDepth := 8;
ImageEnView1.SelectionIntensity := 128;  // 128=50% selected
ImageEnView1.Select( 10, 10, 100, 100 );

Other Selection Methods


See Also
