ImageEn, unit hyiedefs



TPreviewEffects = set of (peAll, peContrast, peHSV, peHSL, peRGB, peUserFilt, peEqualize, peBumpMap, peLens, peMorph, peRotate, peFFT, peGamma, peSharpen, peResize, peSoftShadow, peAutoEnhance, peCrop, peColorCurve, peLevels, peSmoothing, pePixelize, peTransparency, peOtherColor, peOtherEffects);


Specify which tabs are shown in the Image Processing Dialog (displayed by calling DoPreviews) and the TIEEditControls component:
Value Description Method Used
peAll All tabs will be shown -
peContrast Adjust contrast Contrast, IntensityRGBAll
peHSV Adjust the Hue/Saturation/Value HSVvar
peHSL Adjust the Hue/Saturation/Luminance HSLvar
peRGB Adjust Red/Green/Blue values IntensityRGBAll
peUserFilt Apply a 3x3 filter ApplyFilter
peEqualize Equalize the color histogram Threshold, HistEqualize, HistAutoEqualize
peBumpMap Apply Bump map effect BumpMapping
peLens Apply Lens effect Lens
peMorph Set the minimum of maximum pixel values Minimum, Maximum
peRotate Rotate the image Rotate, Flip
peFFT Apply a Fourier Analysis FTCreateImage
peGamma Perform gamma correction GammaCorrect
peSharpen Apply a sharpening filter Sharpen
peResize Change the dimensions of the image Resample
peSoftShadow Apply a soft-shadow AddSoftShadow
peAutoEnhance Automatic color enhancement AutoImageEnhance1, AutoImageEnhance2
peCrop Crop or allow border to an image Crop, ImageResize
peColorCurve Adjust the image colors using a color curve TIEColorCurve
peLevels Adjust the image input and output levels AdjustLevels
peSmoothing Remove noise from an image using Symmetric Nearest Neighbour smoothing SymmetricNearestNeighbour
pePixelize Pixelize the image (to obscure parts of it) Pixelize
peTransparency Set areas of the image as transparent CastAlpha, SetTransparentColors, RemoveChromaKey
peOtherColor Other color operations Wave, Reflection, PencilSketch, Swirl
peOtherEffects Other image effects ConvertToGray, ConvertToSepia, Negative, Colorize, WhiteBalance_GrayWorld

There are three shortcuts that combine common sets:

Effect Samples


















































// Prompt user to perform color adjustment on the current image
ImageEnView1.Proc.DoPreviews( ppeColorAdjustments );

// Prompt user to perform image effects on the current image
ImageEnView1.Proc.DoPreviews( ppeSpecialEffects );

// Prompt user to perform editing operations the current image
ImageEnView1.Proc.DoPreviews( ppeEditingFunctions );

See Also
