ImageEn, unit iexWindowsFunctions |
function WindowsSelectDirectory(Caption: string;
var Directory: string;
Parent: TWinControl;
bAllowNewFolder : Boolean;
const RootFolder: string = ''): Boolean; overload;
function WindowsSelectDirectory(Caption: string;
var Directory: string;
Parent: TWinControl = nil;
Options : TIEOpenFolderOptions = [foAllowNewFolder, foDisplayShareable, foDisplayFiles, foValidateFolder, foShowEditBox];
const RootFolder: string = ''): Boolean; overload;
Displays a dialog to the user which allows the to select a folder.
If Caption is '', it will be set to "Select a Folder to Open" (localized).
◼Similar to FileCtrl.SelectDirectory
◼Also available using
TIEOpenFolderDialogsFolder := IEFolderMView1.Folder;
if WindowsSelectDirectory('Specify Folder', sFolder) then
IEFolderMView1.Folder := sFolder;