procedure FillListWithSources(ssDest : TStrings; Apis: TIEAcquireApis = [ieaTwain, ieaWIA, ieaDCIM]; bNameOnly : Boolean = False);
Add all acquisition sources to the specified list. Specify which source types to support using the Apis parameter.
If bNameOnly is true then the list will only be filled with the names of the devices. If bNameOnly is false then the items will be formatted as follows:
Device Name||Index of Location||API||Device Type
E.g. My Cool Scanner||3||TWN||SCN
You can SetSourceByStr to activate a source with these raw device strings.
See Also
// Fill listbox with all available acquisition sources
ImageEnMView1.FillListWithSources(Listbox1.Items, [ieaTwain, ieaWIA, ieaDCIM], False);
// Acquire from the selected source
if ImageEnMView1.MIO.AcquireParams.SetSourceByStr(Listbox1.Items[Listbox1.ItemIndex]) then