property ColorProfile: TIEICC;
Contains the bitmap color profile loaded from TIFF, Jpeg or PSD file format.
Currently used for CMYK pixel format only.
// Apply color profile on rendering
IEGlobalSettings().ApplyColorProfileOnRendering := True; // not actually necessary, this is the default
ImageEnView1.IO.NativePixelFormat := True; // This means "Do not convert to RGB"
// Apply color profile before rendering
IEGlobalSettings().EnableCMS := True;
IEGlobalSettings().ApplyColorProfileOnRendering := False;
ImageEnView1.IO.NativePixelFormat := False; // This means "Convert to RGB"
// Do not apply color profile
IEGlobalSettings().EnableCMS := False;
IEGlobalSettings().ApplyColorProfileOnRendering := False;
ImageEnView1.IO.NativePixelFormat := False; // This means "Convert to RGB"
// Load a TIFF containing a CMYK profile, save to JPEG maintaining the profile
IEGlobalSettings().EnableCMS := False;
ImageEnView.IO.LoadFromFile('D:\Img with ICC Profile.tif');
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.JPEG_ColorSpace := ioJPEG_CMYK;
ImageEnView1.IO.SaveToFile('D:\Img with ICC Profile.jpeg');
See Also
◼Color Management System