procedure FillWithShape(Shape: TIEShape;
iWidth, iHeight: Integer;
BorderColor: TColor;
BorderWidth: Integer;
FillColor: TColor;
AlphaFill: Boolean = False;
UsePreferedAR: Boolean = True;
Margins: Integer = 0;
Opacity: Double = 1.0);
Draws a
TIEShape to the bitmap.
Parameter | Description |
Width, Height | Size to draw the shape (the bitmap will also be resized). If -1,-1 is specified the current size is used |
BorderColor, BorderWidth | The shape edge border. Specify clNone to skip the border, or -1 for a random color border |
FillColor | The shape color. Specify -1 to use a random color, or -2 to keep the existing content (by drawing the shape to the background as alpha) |
AlphaFill | If false, it gives the image a white background. If True, it uses an transparent background |
UsePreferedAR | Some shapes look better when output at their designed aspect ratio. Disable UsePreferedAR to fill the entire image |
Margins | Add spacing around the image |
Opacity | Specify how opaque to draw the image (1.0 is fully opaque, 0.0 is fully transparent) |
◼If you use FillColor = -2 to keep the existing content, the following parameters are ignored: Width, Height, BorderColor, BorderWidth, AlphaFill
◼If attached to a
TImageEnView, it will automatically call
| Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr |
// Fill bitmap with a balloon shape
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.FillWithShape( iesBalloon, 200, 500, clBlack, 1, clMediumVioletRed, False );

// Create a shaped image by drawing to the alpha channel
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.FillWithShape( iesRadiance, -1, -1, clNone, 0, -2, False, True );

// Create a shaped image by drawing an ImageEn shape to the alpha channel
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\TestImage.jpg' );

ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.FillWithShape( iesHeart, -1, -1, clNone, 0, -2 { Keep Content } );

See Also