Size to draw the shape (the bitmap will also be resized). If -1,-1 is specified the current size is used
BorderColor, BorderWidth
The shape edge border. Specify clNone to skip the border, or -1 for a random color border
The shape color. Specify -1 to use a random color, or -2 to keep the existing content (by drawing the shape to the background as alpha)
If false, it gives the image a white background. If True, it uses an transparent background
Some shapes look better when output at their designed aspect ratio. Disable UsePreferedAR to fill the entire image
Add spacing around the image
Specify how opaque to draw the image (1.0 is fully opaque, 0.0 is fully transparent)
Note: ◼If you use FillColor = -2 to keep the existing content, the following parameters are ignored: Width, Height, BorderColor, BorderWidth, AlphaFill ◼If attached to a TImageEnView, it will automatically call Update