// Load the About Box image from a JPEG resource in the current application MainForm1.ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.LoadFromResource( HInstance, 'AboutImage', RT_RCDATA, ioJPEG );
// Load the About Box image from a bitmap resource in the current application MainForm1.ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.LoadFromResource( HInstance, 'AboutImage', RT_BITMAP, ioBMP );
// Get a toolbar button image from the ImageEn resources Bitmap.LoadFromResource( HInstance, ITBRES_PROMPTTOSAVE_24 , RT_RCDATA, ioPNG ); if not isEnabled then Bitmap.ConvertToGray();
// Get a bright red image Bitmap.LoadFromResource( HInstance, ITBRES_COLOR_PALETTE_24, RT_RCDATA, ioPNG ); with TImageEnProc.CreateFromBitmap( Bitmap ) do begin HSVvar( 150, 10, 30 ); Free; end;