ImageEn, unit iexHelperFunctions |
// Single Result overload
function MatchTemplate(SearchTemplate: TIEBitmap; MatchMethod: TIEVisionTemplateMatchMethod; MatchThreshold: Double; out Rect: TRect; out Rank: Double): Boolean; overload;
// Multiple Result overload
function MatchTemplate(SearchTemplate: TIEBitmap; MatchThreshold: Double; out Rects: TIERectArray; out Ranks: TIEArrayOfDouble): Integer; overload;
Shortcut methods for
matchTemplate and
matchTemplateMulti that search the image for the locations of the template image.
Parameter | Description |
SearchTemplate | Template image to find. It must be not larger than the source image |
MatchMethod | Comparison method (First overload only) |
MatchThreshold | Minimum rank required. Range is 0 to 100%, though generally values of <90% are not good matches |
rects | List of rectangles representing bounding boxes of found objects |
ranks | List of doubles representing ranks of found objects |
◼You must add the iexHelperFunctions unit to your uses clause
◼You can draw the rects to a canvas using
◼Template matching requires
IEVision. You will need to
register it before calling the method
Single Result Method Behaviour
The following call:
// perform template searching
if ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.MatchTemplate( ImageEnView2.IEBitmap, ievSQDIFF, 95, rect, rank ) then
Memo1.Lines.Add( format( 'Found: (%d,%d,%d,%d) - %d%%', [ rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom, trunc(rank) ]));
Is the same as calling:
// get image to search in
image := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage();
// get the template image to search
templ := ImageEnView2.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage();
// perform template searching
rect := image.matchTemplate(templ, ievSQDIFF, @rank);
if rank >= 95 then
r := IEVisionRectToTRect( rect );
Caption := format( 'Found: (%d,%d,%d,%d) - %d%%', [ r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom, trunc( rank )]);
Multi Result Method Behaviour
The following call:
// perform template searching
count := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.MatchTemplate( ImageEnView2.IEBitmap, 96.0, rects, ranks );
for i := 0 to count - 1 do
r := rects[i];
Memo1.Lines.Add( format( '#%d: (%d,%d,%d,%d) - %d%%', [ i+1, r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom, trunc(ranks[i]) ]));
Is the same as calling:
// get image to search in
image := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage();
// get the template image to search
templ := ImageEnView2.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage();
// get template mask (from alpha channel)
if ImageEnView2.IEBitmap.HasAlphaChannel() then
templMask := ImageEnView2.IEBitmap.AlphaChannel.GetIEVisionImage(true)
templMask := nil;
// perform template searching
count := image.matchTemplateMulti(templ, templMask, 96.0, rects, ranks);
for i := 0 to count - 1 do
r := IEVisionRectToTRect( rects.getRect(i) );
Memo1.Lines.Add( format( '#%d: (%d,%d,%d,%d) - %d%%', [ i+1, r.Left, r.Top, r.Right, r.Bottom, trunc(ranks.getDouble(i)) ]));
| Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr |
Overload 1 Example
// Search image (ImageEnView1) for one instance of the selected image in a TImageEnMView
ImageEnView1.LayersClear( False );
idx := ImageEnMView1.SelectedImage;
// perform template searching
if ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.MatchTemplate( ImageEnMView1.GetTIEBitmap(idx), ievSQDIFF, 95, rect, rank ) then
ImageEnView1.LayersAdd( ielkText, rect );
with TIETextLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ) do
BorderColor := clRed;
BorderWidth := 5;
FillColor := clWhite;
Opacity := 0.66;
Font.Height := 24;
Font.Color := clRed;
WordWrap := False;
Alignment := iejCenter;
Text := ImageEnMView1.ImageBottomText[idx] + ' ' + FloatToStr(trunc(rank)) + '%';
TextOverflow := ieoShrink;
Overload 2 Example
// Search image (ImageEnView1) for multiple instances of the selected image in a TImageEnMView
idx := ImageEnMView1.SelectedImage;
ImageEnView1.LayersClear( False );
// perform template searching
count := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.MatchTemplate( ImageEnMView1.GetTIEBitmap(idx), 95, rects, ranks );
for i := 0 to count - 1 do
// draw a red box around the found rectangle
ImageEnView1.LayersAdd( ielkText, IEVisionRectToTRect( rects.getRect(i) ));
with TIETextLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ) do
BorderColor := clRed;
BorderWidth := 2;
Opacity := 0.66;
Font.Height := 21;
Font.Color := clRed;
Font.Style := [fsBold];
WordWrap := False;
Alignment := iejCenter;
Text := '#' + IntToStr(i + 1) + ' ' + FloatToStr(trunc(ranks[i])) + '%';
TextOverflow := ieoShrink;