function AdvancedDrawPolyline(Points: array of TPoint;
PolylineClosed: boolean;
// Line Props
LineColor: TColor = clBlack;
LineWidth: Integer = 1;
LineStyle: TIEGPPenStyle;
LineOpacity: Double = 1.0;
// Fill Props
FillColor: TColor = clWhite;
FillColor2: TColor = clBlue;
FillGradient: TIEGDIPlusGradient = gpgNone;
FillOpacity: Double = 1.0;
// Other
Angle: Integer = 0;
AspectRatio: Double = 0.0;
AntiAlias: Boolean = True;
CalculateOnly: Boolean = False
): TSize;
Draw a polyline or polygon.
For a simpler method, use:
Polyline or
General Properties
Parameter | Description |
Points | The list of the points that make up the polyline |
PolylineClosed | Set to true to make a polygon (a filled polyline) |
LineColor | The color of the line (or clNone for no border) |
LineWidth | The width of the line |
LineStyle | How the line is drawn |
LineOpacity | Specifies the opacity of the line (from 0.0 to 1.0) |
FillColor | The color of the polygon or clNone for no fill (PolylineClosed must be true) |
FillColor2 | The color of the secondary fill (if the polygon fill has a gradient) |
FillGradient | The direction of the gradient for the polygon fill (from FillColor to FillColor2). gpgNone specifies no gradient |
FillOpacity | Specifies the opacity of the polygon fill (from 0.0 to 1.0) |
Other Parameters
Angle | Optionally specify any rotation of the drawing (in degrees counter-clockwise, i.e. 90 rotates left) |
AspectRatio | Optionally specify any locking of the drawing, e.g. 1.0 would enforce 1:1 sizing. 0 means no locking |
AntiAlias | True uses best quality drawing. False disables anti-aliasing |
CalculateOnly | If true, the text is not drawn, just the output size returned as the result |
Result is the area of the entire draw in pixels.
// Draw a cross
pts: array of TPoint;
SetLength( pts, 12 );
pts[0] := Point( 50, 0 );
pts[1] := Point( 100, 50 );
pts[2] := Point( 150, 0 );
pts[3] := Point( 200, 50 );
pts[4] := Point( 150, 100 );
pts[5] := Point( 200, 150 );
pts[6] := Point( 150, 200 );
pts[7] := Point( 100, 150 );
pts[8] := Point( 50, 200 );
pts[9] := Point( 0, 150 );
pts[10] := Point( 50, 100 );
pts[11] := Point( 0, 50 );
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.IECanvas.AdvancedDrawPolyline( pts, True,
clBlack, 2, 1.0, // Line Props
clYellow, clRed, gpgDiagCenter, 1.0 ); // Fill Props

See Also