ImageEn, unit iexFolderTree



TIEFolderNode = class(TTreeNode);


A node of a TIEFolderTree.


Demo  Demos\Other\FolderTree\FolderTree.dpr
Demo  Demos\InputOutput\BatchConvert\BatchConvert.dpr


btnOpenFolder.Enabled := not TIEFolderNode( IEFolderTree1.Selected).IsSystemObject;

// Make checked all nodes below selection that contain the text "Temp"
CheckNodesContainingStr( TIEFolderNode( IEFolderTree1.Selected ), 'Temp' );

procedure CheckNodesContainingStr(ANode: TIEFolderNode; const SearchStr: string);
  ANode.Expand(True);  // So content is filled
  ANode := TIEFolderNode( ANode.GetFirstChild );
  if ANode = nil then

    ANode.Checked := Pos( Uppercase( SearchStr ), Uppercase( ANode.Text )) > 0;
    CheckNodesContainingStr( ANode, SearchStr );
    ANode := TIEFolderNode( ANode.getNextSibling );
  until ANode = nil;


Public Property  AbsoluteIDL PItemIDList Returns the node absolute IDL
Public Property  Attributes TIEAttributes Returns the attributes of the node
Public Property  Checked Boolean If Checkboxes are enabled, the checked status of the node is returned
Public Property  IsSystemObject Boolean Returns true if the node is a system folder
Public Property  ParentShellFolder IShellFolder Returns the IShellFolder interface for the parent of this node
Public Property  Path String Returns the path of the node, or '' for system folders
Public Property  PathEx String Returns the path of the node, IEF_Desktop_Folder for the root desktop folder, IEF_Drives_Folder for the "My PC" folder, or '' for other system folders
Public Property  PidlLevel Integer Returns the level of the node
Public Property  RelativeIDL PItemIDList Returns the node relative IDL
Public Property  ShellFolder IShellFolder Returns the IShellFolder interface for the node

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