ImageEn, unit iexFolderTree




property SelectedFolder: TIEFolderInfo;


Returns details of the selected folder node.

The following info is returned:
Value Type Description
Name String The display text for the folder, e.g folder name or "Control Panel"
Path String The full path of the folder, or '' if the selected node is a shell object (Same as Folder)
PathEx String Same as Path, except that IEF_Drives_Folder is returned if "My PC" is selected, and IEF_Desktop_Folder if the root desktop node is selected
RelativeIDL PItemIDList Returns the relative ItemIDList of the selected folder. The value will contain only one element which identifies a system element relative to its parent folder
AbsoluteIDL PItemIDList Returns the absolute ItemIDList of the selected folder. The value will contain all elements that identify a system element from the Desktop
ShellFolder IShellFolder Returns the IShellFolder interface of the selected folder, or nil if the folder does not have a IShellFolder interface
ParentShellFolder IShellFolder Returns the IShellFolder interface of the parent folder of the selection, or nil if the parent is not valid or does not have a IShellFolder interface
Attributes TIEAttributes Return the properties of the selected folder
DescriptionID Integer Return the SHGDFIL_DESCRIPTIONID for the folder. It will be a SHDID_* const (see ShlObj.pas)



if SameText( IEFolderTree1.SelectedFolder.PathEx, IEF_Desktop_Folder ) then
  ... Desktop is selected...

See Also
