ImageEn, unit iexProcEffects |
function EffectToIndex(Operation: TPreviewEffect): Integer; overload;
function EffectToIndex(Operation: TPreviewEffect; const CheckProperty: String; const PropValue: String): Integer; overload;
function EffectToIndex(Operation: TPreviewEffect; const CheckProperty: String; PropValue: Integer): Integer; overload;
function EffectToIndex(Operation: TPreviewEffect; const CheckProperty: String; PropValue: Boolean): Integer; overload;
Return the index of the first instance of a specified preview effect, or -1 if not found.
You can optionally specify a single property to check for a specific match. If the property value does not match
PropValue it will not be considered a match.
See also:
// Disable button if there is already a soft-shadow effect applied
btnAddSoftShadow.Enabled := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.EffectsChain.EffectToIndex( peSoftShadow ) = -1;
// Disable button if there is already a horizontal flip applied
btnAddHorzFlip.Enabled := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.EffectsChain.EffectToIndex( peRotate, IPP_FLIP_HORZ, True ) = -1;
// If Contrast effect has been added, then modify it. Otherwise add it
idx := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.EffectsChain.EffectToIndex( peContrast );
if idx = -1 then
idx := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.EffectsChain.Add( peContrast );
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.EffectsChain.Items[idx].Contrast_Contrast := trkContrast.Position;
ImageEnView1.Update(); // Must call update after manually setting properties
// If HSV effect has been added, then modify it. Otherwise add it
idx := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.EffectsChain.EffectToIndex( peHSV );
if idx = -1 then
idx := ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.EffectsChain.Add( peHSV );
ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.EffectsChain.Items[idx].HSV_H := trkHsvH.Position;
ImageEnView1.Update(); // Must call update after manually setting properties