property LabelFillColor: TColor;
The color of the
text label.
The fill color must be valid (i.e. clNone is not supported). If
LabelFillColor is different from
LabelFillColor2 it will be drawn as a gradient.
Note: The label does not have a fill if
LabelPosition is ielpAbove, ielpBelow, ielpAutoAbove or ielpAutoBelow
Default: clWhite
// Add text label to our arrow (with black border and gradient fill)
TIELineLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).LabelPosition := ielpAtEnd;
TIELineLayer(ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer).LabelFillColor := clRed;
TIELineLayer(ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer).LabelFillColor2 := clYellow;
TIELineLayer(ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer).LabelFillGradient := gpgHorizontal;
TIELineLayer(ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer).LabelBorderColor := clBlack;
TIELineLayer(ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer).LabelBorderWidth := 3;

See Also