ImageEn, unit iexMetaHelpers




property ExifTags: TIEExifInclude;


Specifies which Exif tags are output:
Value Description
efCommon General Exif tags, e.g. description, camera make and model, GPS latitude and longitude, date, etc.
efWindows Windows custom tags, such as author and keywords. These are seldom used in recent Windows versions
efCamera Tags related to the photographic method, e.g. exposure time, F/Stop, focal length, etc.
efExtra Tags that provide more detail, e.g. aperture, lens make and model, etc.
efAdvanced Tags that are seldom used, such as EXIF version, GPS technical data, etc.

If specified as [], then all tags are output.
You must call Update after changing DicomTags to update the content.

Default: [efCommon, efCamera, efExtra, efAdvanced]


// Output all Exif tags of an image
IEMetaListView1.ExifTags := [ efCommon, efCamera, efExtra, efWindows, efAdvanced ];
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes  := [ iemExif ];
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'C:\image.jpg' );
IEMetaListView1.Assign( ImageEnView1 );

// Export common and camera Exif tags of the current image to a file
IEMetaListView1.ExifTags := [ efCommon, efCamera ];
IEMetaListView1.AlwaysShowTypes  := [ iemExif ];
IEMetaListView1.Assign( ImageEnView1 );
IEMetaListView1.AssignTo( 'D:\ExifList.txt' );

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