TIEMouseWheelParamsAction = (iemwNone, iemwVScroll, iemwZoom, iemwNavigate, iemwZoomView);
The effect that rolling the mouse wheel has upon a control.
Value | Description |
iemwNone | Mouse wheel has no effect |
iemwVScroll | Scroll the control up/down (or left/right if Alt key is pressed, or control does not support vert scrolling) |
iemwZoom | Enlarge/Reduce the image (TImageEnView) or thumbnails (TImageEnMView) |
iemwZoomView | In TImageEnMView this cycles through the common display styles and sizes. (With TImageEnView it works the same way as iemwZoom) |
iemwNavigate | Navigate to the next/previous image. Note: In TImageEnView this is only relevant for images with multiple frames such as TIFFs and GIFs |
Note: When using iemwZoom, you can limit the bounds of the zoom using
OnZoomIn and
// For iemwVScroll used with iemwPercentage, TImageEnMView assumes a theoretical grid of 12.5 thumbnails high
// So the default of 8% will scroll one thumbnail with each wheel click
// Whereas 16% would scroll the height of two thumbnails
ImageEnMView1.MouseWheelParams.Action := iemwVScroll;
ImageEnMView1.MouseWheelParams.Variation := iemwPercentage;
ImageEnMView1.MouseWheelParams.value := 4; // half a thumbnail