ImageEn, unit iexBitmaps




function RemoveBlankPages(Tolerance: Double = 0.0; Complete: boolean = true; LeftToRight: boolean = true): Integer;


Locate images in the TIEMultiBitmap of a single color (i.e. blank images) and remove them.

Parameter Description
Tolerance Determines how tolerant to be in checking color variance (in the range 0.0 to 1.0). For example, if tolerance is 0.1 then 10% of pixels can be of different color and the image would still be considered "blank"
Complete If true all images are checked. Otherwise the check stops once the first non blank image has been found and removed
LeftToRight If true the scan starts at the first image and proceeds to the last (otherwise it proceeds in reverse order)

Returns the number of removed pages.


// Remove last blank pages
MBitmap.RemoveBlankPages( 0.0, False, False );

// Remove any pages that are 95% blank
MBitmap.RemoveBlankPages( 0.05 );

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