ImageEn, unit hyiedefs



TIEPixelFormat = (ieNull,


Value Description
ieNull Invalid pixel format
ie1g Black/White (1 bit per pixel)
ie8p RGB color with colormap (256 colors, 8 bit per pixel)
ie8g Gray scale (256 shades of gray, 8 bit per pixel)
ie16g Gray scale (65536 shades of gray, 16 bit per pixel)
ie24RGB RGB true color (16M colors, 24 bit per pixel, 8 bit per channel)
ie32f Gray scale (0..1 floating point shades of gray, 32 bit per pixel)
ieCMYK CMYK color (32 bit per pixel, reversed 8 bit per channel)
ie48RGB RGB color (48 bit per pixel, 16 bit per channel)
ieCIELab CIELab color (24 bit per pixel, 8 bit per channel)
ie32RGB RGBA color (32 bit per pixel, 8 bit per channel, for compatibility with Windows DIB pixel format, last 8 bit unused with some exceptions)

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