ImageEn, unit hyiedefs



  TIEPointFormat = record
    Action     : TIEPathAction;
    ClosePath  : Boolean;
    CurveX1    : Double;        // Also used for ArcRadiusX
    CurveY1    : Double;        // Also used for ArcRadiusY
    CurveX2    : Double;        // Also used for ArcRotation
    CurveY2    : Double;
    ArcLarge   : Boolean;       // True to draw a larger arc
    ArcSweepCW : Boolean;       // True to sweep clockwise from the start pos. False to sweep counter-clockwise


Record for formatting of path points.
These are typically used to define SVG style paths points (together with a destination point).

For iepaBezierCurveTo you must set: CurveX1, CurveY1, CurveX2, CurveY2
For iepaQuadraticCurveTo you must set: CurveX1, CurveY1
For iepaArcTo you must set: CurveX1 (= ArcRadiusX), CurveY1 (= ArcRadiusY), CurveX2 (= ArcRotation), ArcLarge, ArcSweep