ImageEn, unit ieview



  TIEPointerFlags = set of (
    ptrNew              ,  // New pointer
    ptrInRange          ,  // Pointer has not departed
    ptrContact          ,  // Pointer is in contact
    ptrPrimaryAction    ,  // Primary action (analogous to a left mouse button)
    ptrSecondaryAction  ,  // Secondary action (analogous to a right mouse button)
    ptrThirdButton      ,  // Third button  (analogous to a mouse wheel button)
    ptrFourthButton     ,  // Fourth button (analogous to a first extended mouse button)
    ptrFifthButton      ,  // Fifth button (analogous to a second extended mouse button)
    ptrPrimaryPointer   ,  // Pointer is designated as the primary pointer
    ptrConfident        ,  // Interaction is likely intended and not accidental
    ptrCanceled         ); // Pointer is departing in an abnormal manner