ImageEn, unit iexWPD




function CopyFileToDevice(const sDeviceID, sFolderID, sSourceFilename: WideString; MoveFile: Boolean = False): Boolean; overload;
function CopyFileToDevice(const sDeviceID, sFolderID: Widestring; SourceFilenames: TStrings; MoveFile: Boolean = False): Integer; overload;


Copy local files to the specified sFolderID on a device.

Parameter Description
sDeviceID The ID of the device to copy to (e.g. ActiveDeviceID
sFolderID The ID of the folder to copy to (ID cannot point to a file)
sSourceFilename The local filename to copy to the device
MoveFile File is moved instead of copied

Note: Only files can be copied, not folders.


// Prompt the user to specify a file to copy to the current folder
procedure TfrmMain.btnCopyToDeviceClick(Sender: TObject);
  // No active folder (or root)
  if IEPortableDevices.ActiveFolderID = '' then

  // Prompt for a file to copy
  if OpenDialog1.Execute = False then

  // Copy to folder on device
  if IEPortableDevices.CopyFileToDevice( IEPortableDevices.ActiveDeviceID, IEPortableDevices.ActiveFolderID, OpenDialog1.FileName) then
    ShowMessage( 'File successfully copied to device' )
    ShowMessage( 'Failed to copy file to device!' );

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