ImageEn, unit hyiedefs



TIEShowFormats = (iesfImagesAndVideos, iesfImagesOnly, iesfVideosOnly, iesfAllOnly, iesfLayerFormatsOnly, iesfLayerFormatsPriority, iesfMultiImagesAndVideos, iesfMultiImagesOnly);


Specifies the file types are listed in the drop down filter selector of the TOpenImageEnDialog and TSaveImageEnDialog. Also determines which formats are included in the "All Image Files" filter (which is the default filter).
Value Description
iesfImagesAndVideos All ImageEn supported image formats are included, AVI videos, and also WMV and MPEG videos if DirectShow is enabled
iesfImagesOnly All ImageEn supported image formats are included (no videos)
iesfVideosOnly AVI videos, and also WMV and MPEG videos if DirectShow is enabled (no images)
iesfAllOnly Does not show the "All Image Files" filter. Default is to show "All Files"
iesfLayerFormatsOnly Only shows ImageEn supported image formats that support layers, i.e. IEN, PSD, PDF and SVG
iesfLayerFormatsPriority Same as iesfImagesOnly, except that layer formats are shown before image only formats (no videos)
iesfMultiImagesAndVideos All image formats that support multiple frames (e.g. GIF and TIFF), plus AVI videos, and also WMV and MPEG videos if DirectShow is enabled
iesfMultiImagesOnly All image formats that support multiple frames (e.g. GIF and TIFF) (no videos)

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