procedure SetChessboardStyle(Size: Integer; BrushStyle: TBrushStyle = bsSolid; Color1: TColor = clNone; Color2: TColor = clNone);
Sets the size and brush of the chessboard background (when
BackgroundStyle is iebsChessboard).
Parameter | Description |
Size | Specifies the box size (default 16) |
BrushStyle | Specifies the brush style of the boxes (default bsSolid) |
Color1 | Color 1 of chessboard. Specifying this as something other than clNone will set Background |
Color2 | Color 2 of chessboard. If specified as clNone, then color 2 will be a reverse of Color 1 |
The default styling for the chessboard background:
// Typical chessboard style (white and light gray)
ImageEnView1.SetChessboardStyle( 16, bsSolid, clWhite, $00EEEEEE );
ImageEnView1.BackgroundStyle := iebsChessboard;
// Set small chessboard background of Yellow and Blue
ImageEnView1.SetChessboardStyle( 5, bsSolid, clBlue, clYellow );
ImageEnView1.BackgroundStyle := iebsChessboard;