property CursorGripKind: TGripKind;
Specifies the style for the grip that appears on the ruler showing the current position of the cursor over the image.
Default: gkLine
Note: You can access other properties of the cursor grips, using index -1 in the horizontal and vertical grip arrays.
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.CursorGripKind := gkTriangle;
Is the same as setting:
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.HorzGripsKind[ -1 ] := gkTriangle;
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.VertGripsKind[ -1 ] := gkTriangle;
// Hide the cursor grip
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.CursorGripKind := gkNone;
// Set the cursor grip to a red triangle
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.CursorGripKind := gkTriangle;
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.HorzGripsColor[ -1 ] := clRed;
ImageEnView1.RulerParams.VertGripsColor[ -1 ] := clRed;
See Also