HorizontalTileSlices and VerticalTileSlices specify the horizontal and vertical tiling of the image prior to compression encoding for the most optimal region decode performance.
Dividing the image into rectangular tiles during encoding makes it possible to decode regions of the image without the need to process the entire compressed data stream.
The default value of 0 specifies no subdivision, so the entire image is treated as a single tile.
A value of 1 for each parameter will create a single horizontal and a single vertical division, effectively dividing the image into four equally sized tiles.
The maximum value of 4095 for each parameter divides the image into 4096 tile rows with 4096 tiles per row.
In other words, the parameter values equal the number of horizontal and vertical tiles (respectively) minus 1.
A tile can never be smaller than 16 pixels in width or height, so the HD Photo encoder may adjust this parameter to maintain the required minimum tile size.
Because there is storage and processing overhead associated with each tile, these values should be chosen carefully to meet the specific scenario and unless there is a very specific reason, large numbers of small tiles should be avoided.
The default value for both parameters is 0.
You must set this property before each PutFrame call.