TIOPDFPaperSize = (iepA0, iepA1, iepA2, iepA3, iepA4, iepA5, iepA6, iepB5, iepLetter, iepLegal, iepLedger, iepTabloid, iepAuto, iepUnknown);
Standard paper sizes that can be specified for
PS_PaperSize and
PDF_PaperSize. If iepAuto is selected (PDF only) then the page will be output at the size of the image (which may create huge PDF pages).
You can also specify the
page layout (Portrait or landscape).
ISO Paper Sizes: iepA0, iepA1, iepA2, iepA3, iepA4, iepA5, iepA6, iepB5
US Paper Sizes: iepLetter, iepLegal, iepLedger, iepTabloid
Dynamic Sizing: iepAuto
Custom Size: iepUnknown
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
a: TIOPDFPaperSize;
// Fill combobox with available PDF paper sizes
for a := Low(TIOPDFPaperSize) to High(TIOPDFPaperSize) do
cmbPaperSize.Items.Add( IEPaperSizeToStr( a ));
// Make "US Letter" the selected one
cmbPaperSize.ItemIndex := cmbPaperSize.Items.IndexOf( IEPaperSizeToStr( iepLetter ));
// Set PDF paper size to user's selection
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.PDF_PaperSize := IEStrToPaperSize( cmbPaperSize.Text );
See Also