property NativePixelFormat: Boolean;
By default, ImageEn converts all paletted images to 24 bit (true color). Only black/white images are stored in the original format with 1 bit per pixel. I.e.
PixelFormat will always be ie24RGB or ie1g.
Setting NativePixelFormat to True disables the conversion and uses the image's native format.
NativePixelFormat also enables usage of the "A" channel of 32bit RGBA images (for bitmap, SVG, WebP and WIC formats). I.e.
AlphaLocation will be iaRGBA.
◼Some pixel formats are not supported by
image processing operations and will need to be
automatically converted to a supported format
◼DICOM files are always loaded in their native format (e.g. as if NativePixelFormat=True)
// Load a raw camera image with 16 bits per sample
BMP := TIEBitmap.create();
BMP.ParamsEnabled := true;
BMP.NativePixelFormat := true;
BMP.LoadFromFile( 'D:\CameraImage.orf' );
// Load an SVG image in ie32RGB format using tranparency from the RGBA "A" channel
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.NativePixelFormat := True;
ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\World.svg' );
// AlphaLocation will be iaRGBA