ImageEn, unit iexMetaHelpers |
property XMP_AsStr [Field : Integer]: String; (read-only)
A shortcut function that calls:
Result := Dict.GetDictionary( 'XMP' ).GetString( Field, True )
Any XMP field, such as dc:subject, can be specified. Result is '' if the field is not found. Constants are available
common XMP fields
◼You must add iexMetaHelpers to your uses clause to access this property
◼Delphi/C++ 2005 or newer is required
// Return the photo description
sDescription := ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_DC_Description ];
// Which is the same as calling (except that exceptions are raised on failure)
sDescription := ImageEnView1.IO.Params.Dict.GetDictionary( 'XMP' ).GetString( 'dc:Description', True );
// Return the creator or author of the asset
sCreator := ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_DC_Creator ];
// Return location information about the content being shown in the image
sLocation := ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_Photoshop_City ] + ', ' +
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_Photoshop_State ] + ', ' +
ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_Photoshop_Country ];
// Return the document title
sTitle := ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_DC_Title ];
// Return the document keywords
sKeywords := ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_DC_Subject ];
// Return the document copyright information
sCopyright := ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_DC_Rights ];
// Return the Photoshop Headline
sHeadline := ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_Photoshop_Headline ];
// Return the Windows Rating (0 to 5)
sRating := ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_Rating ];
// Return the creation date (XMP date strings are formatted the same EXIF date strings)
dtCreateDate := EXIFDateToDateTime( ImageEnView1.IO.Params.XMP_AsStr[ XMP_CreateDate ] );
See Also