property DefaultBottomText: TIEImageEnMViewDefaultText;
The text that will display below the thumbnail (below
DefaultInfoText) for images that do not have a value specified for
TImageEnMView Default: iedtNone
TImageEnFolderMView Default: iedtFilename
TImageEnLayerMView Default: iedtNone
You can also set:
DefaultTopText and
Or alternatively, use
TextColumns to specify a selection of visible columns.
// Display the filename and details for each image
ImageEnMView1.DefaultImageTopText := iedtFilename;
ImageEnMView1.DefaultImageInfoText := iedtImageDimensions;
ImageEnMView1.DefaultImageBottomText := iedtFileEditDateAndSize;
// Replace existing bottom text and display the file date and size
for I := 0 to ImageEnMView1.ImageCount - 1 do
ImageEnMView1.ImageBottomText[ i ] := '' ;
ImageEnMView1.DefaultImageBottomText := iedtFileEditDateAndSize;
// Change the layer display text for TImageEnLayerMView
IELayerMView1.DefaultTopText := iedtLayerName;
IELayerMView1.DefaultInfoText := iedtLayerKind;
IELayerMView1.DefaultBottomText := iedtLayerDescription;
// Fill with images from a folder and apply text values
ImageEnMView1.FillFromDirectory( 'C:\Images\', iefAllImages, '', True, iedtNone, iedtNone, iedtNone );
ImageEnMView1.DefaultTopText := iedtFilename;
ImageEnMView1.DefaultInfoText := iedtNone;
ImageEnMView1.DefaultBottomText := iedtImageDimAndSize;
See Also