procedure FillFromList(ssFiles: TStrings; const Directory: String = '';
LoadOnDemand : boolean = true;
DefaultTopText : TIEImageEnMViewDefaultText = iedtNone;
DefaultInfoText : TIEImageEnMViewDefaultText = iedtNone;
DefaultBottomText : TIEImageEnMViewDefaultText = iedtFilename;
GetFileInfo: Boolean = False);
Fills the ImageEnMView with files from the specified
Directory. For each file
ImageFileName will be set with the full path and
ImageBottomText with the filename.
You can cancel the insertion of files by setting MIO.Aborting := True;
Parameter | Description | Default |
ssFiles | A list of files to add | |
Directory | If Directory is '', then ssFiles must contain full paths. Otherwise, specify a folder name for Directory and only filenames for ssFiles | '' |
LoadOnDemand | If True (Default), images are only loaded as they are displayed (i.e. not until they are scrolled into view). Set to false to load all images immediately | True |
DefaultTopText | Specify the text that is applied to ImageTopText | iedtNone |
DefaultInfoText | Specify the text that is applied to ImageInfoText | iedtNone |
DefaultBottomText | Specify the text that is applied to ImageBottomText | iedtFilename |
GetFileInfo | If true, the meta data fields, ImageFileSize, ImageCreateDate and ImageEditDate, will be filled (which may reduce performance) | False |
Note: Does NOT clear existing content. Use
Clear first to replace existing content
MyFiles := TStringList.create();
MyFiles.Add( 'C:\Images\AnImage.jpg' );
MyFiles.Add( 'C:\Images\Image2.jpg' );
MyFiles.Add( 'C:\Images\3rdImage.png' );
ImageEnMView1.FillFromList( MyFiles );
// Alternatively, you can use:
MyFiles := TStringList.create();
MyFiles.Add( 'AnImage.jpg' );
MyFiles.Add( 'Image2.jpg' );
MyFiles.Add( '3rdImage.png' );
ImageEnMView1.FillFromList( MyFiles, 'C:\images' );
// Which is the same as
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( 'C:\Images\AnImage.jpg' );
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( 'C:\Images\Image2.jpg' );
ImageEnMView1.AppendImage( 'C:\Images\3rdImage.png' );
// Display an open dialog to allow multiple images to be added
OpenImageEnDialog1.Options := OpenImageEnDialog1.Options + [ ofAllowMultiSelect ];
if OpenImageEnDialog1.Execute() then
ImageEnMView1.FillFromList( OpenImageEnDialog1.Files );
See Also