property GridWidth: integer;
GridWidth is the number of images per row. This property is active only when
DisplayMode is mdGrid.
Valid GridWidth values are:
Value | Description |
-1 | Automatically adjust column count to match the component width (standard usage) |
0 | Only one row |
1 | A single column of thumbnails |
>1 | Number of columns (images per row), e.g. set to 3 for three vertical columns |
◼You can center the thumbnail column(s) using
AutoAdjustStyle = True, then setting
Style will automatically set
◼You can use
CalcGridWidth and
CalcGridHeight to determine the current display count (due to window size)
ThumbWidth is auto-calculated (-1), then GridWidth must be >= 1.
Default: -1
// automatically adjust the column count to match the control width
ImageEnMView1.GridWidth := -1;
See Also