Fills TImageEnMView with all frames of a multiple image file (AVI, MPEG, TIFF, etc.) by filling ImageFileName with filenames and all indexes of its frames (in the format 'FileName::0', 'FileName::1', etc.).
In this way loading of individual frames will be delayed until they are required (i.e. frames are only loaded when they appear on-screen). It is mainly used for loading the frames of files with numerous frames (such as videos).
When Append is false, the existing content of the TImageEnMView is cleared.
Note: You can set TImageEnMView.MIO.Aborting := True to abort the loading of an OnDemand sequence
If input.mpeg has 1000 frames, then we will now have: ImageEnMView1.ImageFileName[0] = 'C:\input.mpeg::0' ImageEnMView1.ImageFileName[1] = 'C:\input.mpeg::1' ... ImageEnMView1.ImageFileName[999] = 'C:\input.mpeg::999'