function ThumbSizeInfo(Data: TIEThumbSizeType; CheckSoftShadow: Boolean = False): TPoint;
Returns information about the current displayed size of thumbnail cells in the TImageEnView.
Data Value | Description |
itsImage | Returns the size of the thumbnail image as displayed |
itsCell | Returns the size of the thumbnail cell (image, text and cell border) |
itsOuter | Returns the size of the thumbnail cell and its external spacing (image, text, cell border and horizontal/vertical border) |
If CheckSoftShadow = True and
SoftShadow is enabled, then itsImage values will be reduced by the size of the soft shadow.
It takes into account:
◼ThumbWidth and
UpperGap and
◼HorizBorder and
◼SoftShadow if IncludeSoftShadow = True
Note: itsImage values will be the maximum size of the thumbnail. Actual display width or height will be less in order to maintain the aspect ratio
// Calculate the amount of white space on right of thumbnails (assumes ietxCenterThumbnailColumn is not used)
rightSpace := ImageEnMView1.ClientWidth - ImageEnMView1.ThumbSizeInfo( itsCell ).X * ImageEnMView1.CalcGridWidth();
// Return the size the image is displayed at (width or height will actually be less to maintain the aspect ratio
thumbSize := ImageEnMView1.ThumbSizeInfo( itsImage, True );
See Also