Perform a flood-fill starting at the bitmap coordinates x, y, i.e. replacing all encountered pixels that match the color at the starting position with NewColor.
BmpX, BmpY
Pixel specifying the color to be replaced
Replacement color (if clNone, then the new color is not set)
The maximum difference from the starting pixel (0 to 255, where 0 requires an exact color match, whereas 255 would match every color)
The diameter of the area to sample (centered on BmpX, BmpY) to determine the seed color. If 1 is specified (Default) only the color of the specified pixel is used
Apply a maximum filter for more aggressive color selection (remove the "black hole")
Alpha value for any set colors, e.g. 255 to make all colored pixels fully opaque. Specify -1 to ignore the alpha channel
Note: ◼To cast all pixels in the image, instead of flooding, use CastColorRange ◼To flood fill an area with transparency, use CastAlpha ◼If the image PixelFormat is not ie24RGB or ie32RGB, it will be converted
CastColor vs CastAlpha
These methods can be used interchangeably. // These two methods have the same effect (Flood filling Red)... ImageEnView1.Proc.CastColor( x, y, clRed { NewColor }, 0, 1, False, -1 { NewAlpha } ); ImageEnView1.Proc.CastAlpha( x, y, -1 { NewAlpha }, 0, 1, False, clRed { NewColor } );
// These two methods have the same effect (Flood filling alpha to 125)... ImageEnView1.Proc.CastColor( x, y, clNone { NewColor }, 0, 1, False, 125 { NewAlpha } ); ImageEnView1.Proc.CastAlpha( x, y, 125 { NewAlpha }, 0, 1, False, clNone { NewColor } );
// These two methods have the same effect (Flood filling Red with alpha of 255)... ImageEnView1.Proc.CastColor( x, y, clRed { NewColor }, 0, 1, False, 255 { NewAlpha } ); ImageEnView1.Proc.CastAlpha( x, y, 255 { NewAlpha }, 0, 1, False, clRed { NewColor } );
// Perform a red flood fill starting at 0,0 (with a tolerance of 10) ImageEnView1.Proc.CastColor( 0, 0, clRed, 10 );
// When user clicks image, flood fill pixels of a similar color to white procedure TForm1.ImageEnView1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if fColorCasting then ImageEnView1.Proc.CastColor( ImageEnView1.XScr2Bmp(x), ImageEnView1.YScr2Bmp(y), CreateRGB(255, 255, 255), 10 ); end;
// Load test image ImageEnView1.IO.LoadFromFile( 'D:\TestImage.jpg' );
// Perform a red flood fill starting at 0,0 (with a tolerance of 10) ImageEnView1.Proc.CastColor( 0, 0, clRed, 10 );