ImageEn, unit imageenproc |
procedure TextOut(X, Y : Integer; const Text : String; AFont : TFont = nil; Angle : Integer = 0;
AntiAlias : Boolean = true; AutoEnlarge : Boolean = False; MeasureOnly: Boolean = False): TRect; overload;
procedure TextOut(X, Y : Integer; const Text : String; const sFontName : String; iFontSize : Integer; cFontColor : TColor; Style : TFontStyles; Angle : Integer = 0;
AntiAlias : Boolean = true; AutoEnlarge : Boolean = False; MeasureOnly: Boolean = False): TRect; overload;
procedure TextOut(Rect: TRect; const Text : String; AFont : TFont = nil; Angle : Integer = 0; MeasureOnly: Boolean = False): TRect; overload;
procedure TextOut(Rect: TRect; const Text : String; const sFontName : String; iFontSize : Integer; cFontColor : TColor; Style : TFontStyles; Angle : Integer = 0; MeasureOnly: Boolean = False): TRect; overload;
Draw text at a specified position (no wrapping) or within a rectangle (text may wrap).
For more advanced text drawing, use
Parameter | Description |
X | Horizontal position. Either a pixel value or one of the following constants: Align_Text_Left, Align_Text_Near_Left*, Align_Text_Horz_Center, Align_Text_Near_Right* or Align_Text_Right |
Y | Vertical position. Either a pixel value or one or one of the following constants: Align_Text_Top, Align_Text_Near_Top*, Align_Text_Vert_Center, Align_Text_Near_Bottom* or Align_Text_Bottom |
Rect | The bounds for the text output. This will enforce text wrapping and clipping |
Text | The string to output |
AFont | The text font can be specified using a TFont or by individual properties. If AFont is passed as nil then the Canvas.Font is used |
Angle | The Escapement value, i.e. -45 will draws text diagonally downwards (i.e. rotated 45 degrees clockwise) |
AntiAlias | True uses best quality font. False uses an anti-aliased one |
AutoEnlarge | If the image is not large enough to fit the text it will be enlarged and filled with Background |
MeasureOnly | When true the text is not actually drawn, but the result will return the draw rect for the text |
* "Near" values provide a 5% buffer from the edge
Result is the draw rect for the text.
| Demos\ImageEditing\DrawText\DrawText.dpr |
| Demos\ImageEditing\EveryMethod\EveryMethod.dpr |
// Add the filename at the bottom centre
ImageEnView1.Proc.TextOut(Align_Text_Horz_Center, Align_Text_Near_Bottom, ExtractFileName(ImageEnView1.IO.Params.Filename), 'Arial', 32, clRed, [fsBold]);
// Do the same but with a soft shadow effect (though you would be better to use a TIETextLayer)
// add a new layer
// White fill the new layer
ImageEnView1.Proc.Fill(CreateRGB(255, 255, 255));
// Output our text
ImageEnView1.Proc.TextOut(Align_Text_Horz_Center, Align_Text_Near_Bottom, ExtractFileName(ImageEnView1.IO.Params.Filename), 'Arial', 32, clRed, [fsBold]);
// Make the white background transparent
ImageEnView1.Proc.SetTransparentColors(CreateRGB(255, 255, 255), CreateRGB(255, 255, 255), 0); // remove the white, making it as transparent
// Add our shadow
ImageEnView1.Proc.AddSoftShadow(2, 3, 3);
// Merge layer into main window
// Draw text onto a TBitmap or TIEBitmap
with TImageEnProc.CreateFromBitmap(myBitmap) do
TextOut(Align_Text_Horz_Center, Align_Text_Near_Bottom, 'Me in Italy - 2015', 'Arial', 32, clRed, [fsBold]);
// Draw text inside a rectangle of (100,100,200,200) auto-wrapping as necessary
ImageEnView1.Proc.TextOut( Rect(100, 100, 200, 200) , 'TImageEnProc provides image processing and analysis functionality to a TImageEnView, TIEBitmap, TImage or TBitmap component. It also handles clipboard operations, undo/redo and encryption.' );