Use ObjBeginShape to specify the beginning shape of hobj object (iekLINE object type).
hobj is the ID of the object. You can also specify IEV_NEXT_INSERTED_OBJECT (-1) which refers to the next object to be inserted or IEV_PREVIOUS_INSERTED_OBJECT (-2) for the last object inserted.
// next object (iekLINE) has two out-arrows to the extremities ImageEnVect1.ObjBeginShape[IEV_NEXT_INSERTED_OBJECT] := iesOUTARROW; ImageEnVect1.ObjEndShape [IEV_NEXT_INSERTED_OBJECT] := iesOUTARROW;
Transition Information
If you are transitioning your code to TImageEnView Layers, instead of ObjBeginShape, use: TIELineLayer.StartShape TIELineLayer( ImageEnView1.CurrentLayer ).StartShape := ieesArrow; ImageEnView1.Update();