ImageEn, unit imageenview




property KeyInteract: TIEVKeyInteract


Specifies which keyboard activities the component will handle automatically.
Value Description
vkiScrollView Clicking the cursor keys will scroll the view in the same way as moving the scrollbar (this will only occur if there are no layers or selection active)
vkiMoveSelection Allow rectangular selections and layers to be moved by the cursor keys, or scrolling of the view (Hold Ctrl key to resize selections. Hold Shift to speed up movement)
vkiInteractiveTools Enables the use of the keyboard when using the interactive tools: BrushTool, RetouchTool, CloneTool, CropTool or RotateTool.
Generally this enables the "Enter" key to enact the current operation or the "Escape" key to cancel the current operation
vkiLayerEditing Enables Keyboard Shortcuts to manipulate the selected layer (Also see: loPreventLayerDelete)
vkiPdfViewer Enables Keyboard Shortcuts when viewing PDF documents with the PdfViewer
vkiMiscellaneous Ctrl+Plus/Minus will zoom in/out of the image. Ctrl+0 will reset the zoom. Ctrl+R will show the rulers

Note: You can define the keyboard shortcuts using KeyboardShortcuts

Default: [vkiScrollView, vkiMoveSelection, vkiInteractiveTools, vkiLayerEditing, vkiPdfViewer, vkiMiscellaneous]


// Disable all keyboard interaction
ImageEnMView1.KeyInteract := [];

// Allow user to move the selection and use keyboard for interactive tools
ImageEnMView1.KeyInteract := [ vkiMoveSelection, vkiInteractiveTools ];

// Only allow the keyboard to be used for layer editing
ImageEnMView1.KeyInteract := [ vkiLayerEditing ];

Compatibility Information

KeyInteract was added in v14.0.0. It replaces the following options:
New Old
vkiMoveSelection iesoAllowMoveByKeyboard of SelectionOptions
vkiInteractiveTools KeyboardShortcuts property
vkiLayerEditing loKeyboardShortcuts of LayerOptions

See Also
