Note: By default, display of the anti-aliasing will occur after a short delay (to improver performance). This can be configured with LayersFastDrawing.
Default: True
Layer Performance Properties
To improve the performance in layer applications, consider the following properties: ◼LayersCaching: Caches the view of each layer. Much faster but uses more memory. ◼LayersFastDrawing: Display quality of layers (and whether the quality view is delayed). ◼LayerFastDrawingEffects specifies which features are disabled while fast drawing. ◼ZoomFilter/DelayZoomFilter: Display quality of images (and whether the quality view is delayed). This option is ignored if LayersFastDrawing is active ◼LayersRotationUseFilterOnPreview: Whether the quality filter (LayersRotationFilter) is previewed without applying the rotation
Review the Demos\LayerEditing\Layers_AllTypes\ demo for example code.