Returns the bottom-right Y (row) coordinate of the selected area.
The value is a coordinate of the Bitmap itself, i.e. it is independent of scrolling (ViewX and ViewY) and Zoom (e.g. you will get the same result whether the zoom is 50% or 100%).
Note: ◼You can convert the returned value to a screen value using YBmp2Scr ◼The selected area can be specified using Select ◼SelX2 and SelY2 are inclusive values, unlike Select. Consider the following: ImageEnView1.SelectionBase := iesbBitmap; ImageEnView1.Select( 100, 100, 200, 200 ); Caption := format(' %d,%d,%d,%d', [ ImageEnView1.SelX1, ImageEnView1.SelY1, ImageEnView1.SelX2, ImageEnView1.SelY2 ]); // Caption will be: 100,100,199,199