ImageEn, unit iexShellThumbnails |
function WindowsGetFileIcon(const Filename: String; var aIcon: TIcon; IconSize: Cardinal = SHIL_JUMBO): Boolean; overload;
function WindowsGetFileIcon(const Filename: string; DestBitmap: TIEBitmap; IconSize: Cardinal = SHIL_JUMBO): Boolean; overload;
Returns the icon for the specified file, either as a TIEBitmap or a TIcon.
Values of
Item | Description |
SHIL_SMALL ($01) | Images are Shell standard small icon size of 16x16 |
SHIL_LARGE ($00) | Image size is normally 32x32 pixels or 48x48 pixels |
SHIL_EXTRALARGE ($02) | Images are the Shell standard extra-large icon size, which is typically 48x48 |
SHIL_JUMBO ($04) | Image size is normally 256x256 pixels |
SHIL_SYSSMALL ($03) | Image size is specified by GetSystemMetrics called with SM_CXSMICON and GetSystemMetrics called with SM_CYSMICON |
Result is false if the icon cannot be retrieved.
// Return a high-quality icon for Notepad
WindowsGetFileIcon( 'C:\Windows\notepad.exe', ImageEnView1.IEBitmap, SHIL_JUMBO );
See Also