Topic Name - <FS>
Specifies the Topic name, uses <H3>
Mini-Title - <FM>
Use for headings within the page (below <FS>). Uses <H4>
Sub-heading - <FH>
Use for sub-headings within the page (below <FM>). Uses class "h5"
Big title - <FT>
Sets big title - Mostly unused. Uses <H2>
Normal Text - <FN>
Specifies normal text font
Code - <FC>
Specifies raw code font. Uses class "code"
Gray Text - <FG>
Set grayed text. Uses class "graytext"
Small Text - <FZ>
Set small text (90% height). Uses class "fineprint"
Bold - <FB>
Set bold. Uses <B>
Italic - <FI>
Set Italic. Uses <I>
<L topic>text</L>
A link is specified using <L topic>text...</L>:
<L TImageEnIO.LoadFromFile>LoadFromFile</L>
Targets (#) can be used, e.g. <L FAQ#1>FAQ 1</L> or <L #1>FAQ 1</L>
e.g. <L http://www.imageen.com>www.imageen.com</L>
<A topic_part1.topic_part2>
A link like <L> but without text.
in this case "text" is replaced by topic_part2
e.g. <A TImageEnView.Zoom>
e.g. <A http://www.imageen.com/support/>
<# name>abc</#>
Specifies an anchor. You can link with <A name>
Anchor tags are self-closing (</#> is optional)
<IMG filepath>
Insert image (must be found in folder \Help_Images\)
<IMG 50% filepath>
Insert image and display at half size (must be found in folder \Help_Images\)
<IMG http://www.imageen.com/screenshots/image_path.jpg>
Insert web based image
<WEBIMG image_path.jpg>
Insert web based image at http://www.imageen.com/screenshots/iehelp/
◼Use IMGS or WEBIMGS to add top and bottom spacing ("Screenshot" style)
◼Zoomed display is not supported for web based images
<*> or <•>
Insert bullet
Insert Non-breaking space
Align left
Align center
<LI> List Item 1 </LI>
<LI> List Item 2 </LI>
<TABLE 50%>
(or <TABLEW> for same table but 100% width - not autowidth )
(or <TABLE2> for a table without borders for layout)
<H>col1 or row1</H>
<H>col2 of row1</H>
<C>col1 or row2</C>
<C>col2 of row2</C>
Type | Description |
Item 1 | Item 2 |
Item 1 | Item 2 |
Type | Description |
Item 1 | Item 2 |
Item 1 | Item 2 |
Type | Description |
Item 1 | Item 2 |
Item 1 | Item 2 |
Insert vertical spacer (actually "<BR> <BR>")
For tables you can also can use the following shortcuts:
<CNB> instead of <C> to prevent its text from wrapping
<C SPAN=6> for a cell that spans 6 rows
Inserts a cell that includes a "Property" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_Property.gif></C>
Inserts a cell that includes a "Published Property" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_PubProperty.gif></C>
Inserts a cell that includes a "Method" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_Method.gif></C>
Inserts a cell that includes a "Global Method" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_GlobMethod.gif></C>
Inserts a cell that includes a "Event" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_Event.gif></C>
Inserts a cell that includes a "Unit" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_Unit.gif></C>
Inserts a cell that includes a "Class" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_Class.gif></C>
Inserts a cell that includes a "Demo" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_Demo.gif></C>
Inserts a cell that includes a "Tick" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_Tick.gif></C>
Inserts a cell that includes a 50% opaque "Tick" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_PaleTick.gif></C>
Inserts a cell that includes a "Cross" image
This is equivalent to writing: <C><IMG Help_Cross.gif></C>
<C_DEMO_BTN zzz>
Inserts a cell that includes a "Run Demo" image and links to zzz
This is equivalent to writing: <C> <L zzz><IMG btnRunDemo.gif></L> </C>
Inserts n spaces and follows with an "Indent" image
This is equivalent to writing: (n times) <IMG Help_Indent.gif>
Acceptable range: 0 - 9

Indent 5
Inserts an image link to a "Star" image
This is equivalent to writing: <IMG Help_Star.gif>
For { encode as <(>
For } encode as <)>
For < encode as & lt;