procedure Resize(NewWidth, NewHeight: integer; BackgroundValue: double = 0; FillAlpha: integer = 255; HorizAlign: TIEHAlign = iehLeft; VertAlign: TIEVAlign = ievTop); overload
procedure Resize(AddLeft, AddTop, AddRight, AddBottom: integer; BackgroundValue: double = 0; FillAlpha: integer = 255); overload;
Resize the image without resampling (i.e. the image content is not stretched).
This method also resizes the alpha channel.
Overload 1:
Parameter | Description |
NewWidth | New image width |
NewHeight | New image height |
BackgroundValue | TColor value for ie24RGB images or a gray level for gray scale or black/white images. It is used to fill added regions |
AlphaValue | Alpha value used to fill added regions (0: Fully Transparent - 255: Opaque) |
HorizAlign | How to horizontally align the old image (has no effect unless the new width is greater than the old width) |
VertAlign | How to vertically align the old image (has no effect unless the new height is greater than the old height) |
Overload 2:
Parameter | Description |
AddLeft | Pixels to add to the left of the image (or remove if AddLeft < 0) |
AddTop | Pixels to add to the top of the image (or remove if AddTop < 0) |
AddRight | Pixels to add to the right of the image (or remove if AddRight < 0) |
AddBottom | Pixels to add to the bottom of the image (or remove if AddBottom < 0) |
BackgroundValue | TColor value for ie24RGB images or a gray level for gray scale or black/white images. It is used to fill added regions |
AlphaValue | Alpha value used to fill added regions (0: Fully Transparent - 255: Opaque) |
// resize image to 1000x1000
MyIEBitmap.Resize( 1000, 1000 );
// Crop 25% of outside of all edges
MyIEBitmap.Resize( MyIEBitmap.Width div 2, MyIEBitmap.Height div 2, 0, 0, iehCenter, ievCenter );
// Add a border around the image
MyIEBitmap.Resize( MyIEBitmap.Width + 80, MyIEBitmap.Height + 80, clBlack, 255, iehCenter, ievCenter );
// which is the same as:
MyIEBitmap.Resize( 80, 80, 80, 80, clBlack, 255 );
// Add 50 pixels to the top and bottom of the image, remove 80 pixels from the left and right
MyIEBitmap.Resize( -80, 50, -80, 50, 255 );
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