ImageEn, unit iexUserInteractions



TIEColorSelectActions = Set of (ieccBackground, ieccChromaKeyColor, ieccBrushColor, ieccFillColor, ieccRotateBackground, ieccLayerBorder, ieccLayerFill );


Item Description
ieccBackground Sets Background
ieccChromaKeyColor Sets ChromaKeyOptions.KeyColor
ieccBrushColor Sets BrushTool.BrushColor
ieccFillColor Sets FillTool.ColorFillValue
ieccRotateBackground Sets RotateTool.BackgroundColor
ieccLayerBorder If a layer other than background layer is selected, it sets the BorderColor
ieccLayerFill If a layer other than background layer is selected, it sets the FillColor

Note: Color selection will also always trigger ieiColorPickerHover and ieiColorPickerClick events for OnUserInteraction

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