ImageEn, unit iexBitmaps



TIEJpegTransform = (jtNone, jtCut, jtHorizFlip, jtVertFlip, jtTranspose, jtTransverse, jtRotate90, jtRotate180, jtRotate270);


Lossless JPEG transformation functions:
Value Description
jtNone No transformation
jtCut Crops the image (i.e. only a portion of the image is kept)
jtHorizFlip Mirrors the image horizontally (left-right)
jtVertFlip Mirrors the image vertically (top-bottom)
jtTranspose Transposes the image (across UL-to-LR axis)
jtTransverse Transverse transpose (across UR-to-LL axis)
jtRotate90 Rotates the image right (90° clockwise)
jtRotate180 Rotates the image 180°
jtRotate270 Rotates the image left (270° clockwise)

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