function recognize(image: TIEVisionImage; const rect: TIEVisionRect): TIEVisionWString; safecall;
Perform OCR on the specified area of the image returning an ANSI string.
Parameter | Description |
image | Source image |
rect | Rectangle of interest. Setting (0, 0, 0, 0) means "entire image" |
◼A shortcut method for this is available:
◼To find text boxes in photographs, you can use
◼Exceptions from
recognize will be of type EOleException. You can use E.Message and E.ErrorCode to get more detail (see example below)
◼You must use either
recognize or
getTextAngle to process the image. Use
recognize if you need the text content. Use
getTextAngle if you only require the
orientation/skew of the image (which skips the text recognition for faster performance)
Recommendations for Best Results
To improve the your OCR result ensure your input images are of good quality, and you may need to pre-process the image for optimal results. Ideally the text height should be at least 20 pixels, any rotation or skew should be corrected, low-frequency changes in brightness should be high-pass filtered and dark borders manually removed so they are not misinterpreted as characters.
For more information, see:
| Demos\IEVision\OCR\OCR.dpr |
| Demos\IEVision\OCRwithLayout\OCRwithLayout.dpr |
Example 1
Perform OCR:
OCR := IEVisionLib.createOCR(IEOCRLanguageList[OCR_English_language].Code);
str := OCR.recognize(ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage(), IEVisionRect(0, 0, 0, 0)).c_str();
Example 2
Allow switching of language:
// Set language based on selection
Case LanguageRadioGroup.ItemIndex of
0 : OCR := IEVisionLib.createOCR(IEOCRLanguageList[OCR_English_language].Code);
1 : OCR := IEVisionLib.createOCR(IEOCRLanguageList[OCR_French_language].Code);
2 : OCR := IEVisionLib.createOCR(IEOCRLanguageList[OCR_German_language].Code);
// Perform OCR
str := OCR.recognize(ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage(), IEVisionRect(0, 0, 0, 0)).c_str();
// Reset OCR object
OCR := nil;
Example 3
Multiple languages:
langs: TIEVisionVectorString;
langs := IEVisionLib.createVectorString();
langs.push_back( IEOCRLanguageList[ OCR_English_language ].Code ); // load English
langs.push_back( IEOCRLanguageList[ OCR_Italian_language ].Code ); // load Italian
m_OCR := IEVisionLib.createOCR( '', langs );
str := m_OCR.recognize(ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage(), IEVisionRect(0, 0, 0, 0)).c_str();
Exception handling
OCR := IEVisionLib.createOCR(IEOCRLanguageList[OCR_English_language].Code);
str := OCR.recognize(ImageEnView1.IEBitmap.GetIEVisionImage(), IEVisionRect(0, 0, 0, 0)).c_str();
on E: EOleException do
MessageDlg( Format( 'An error was encountered processing this image: %s (%d)', [ E.Message, E.ErrorCode ]), mtError, [mbOK], 0);