ImageEn, unit hyieutils



TIOFileType = type integer;


Specifies a file format supported by ImageEn (may be read-write, read-only or write-only).

Native Formats
Constant Value Description Extensions
ioTIFF 1 TIFF *.tif, *.tiff, *.fax, *.g3f, *.g3n
ioGIF 2 GIF *.gif
ioJPEG 3 JPEG *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.jpe, *.jif, *.jfif
ioPCX 4 Paintbrush PCX *.pcx
ioBMP 5 Windows Bitmap *.bmp, *.dib, *.rle
ioICO 6 Windows Icon *.ico
ioCUR 7 Windows Cursor *.cur
ioPNG 8 Portable Network Graphics *.png
ioWMF 9 Windows Metafile *.wmf
ioEMF 10 Enhanced Windows Metafile *.emf
ioTGA 11 Targa File *.tga, *.targa, *.vda, *.icb, *.vst, *.win
ioPXM 12 Portable Pixmap, GreyMap, Bitmap *.pxm, *.pbm, *.pgm, *.ppm
ioJP2 13 JPEG 2000 *.jp2
ioJ2K 14 JPEG 2000 *.j2k, *.jpc, *.j2c
ioAVI 15 AVI video *.avi
ioWBMP 16 Wireless Bitmap *.wbmp
ioPS 17 PostScript (Saving) *.ps, *.eps
ioPDF 18 Adobe PDF file *.pdf, *.pdfa, *.epdf
ioDCX 19 Multipage PCX *.dcx
ioRAW 20 Camera Raw image *.crw, *.cr2, *.cr3, *.dng, *.nef, *.raw, *.raf, *.x3f, *.orf, *.srf, *.mrw, *.dcr, *.bay, *.pef, *.sr2, *.arw, *.kdc, *.mef, *.3fr, *.k25, *.erf, *.cam, *.cs1, *.dc2, *.dcs, *.fff, *.mdc, *.mos, *.nrw, *.ptx, *.pxn, *.rdc, *.rw2, *.rwl, *.iiq, *.srw
ioBMPRAW 21 Bitmap RAW -
ioWMV 22 Windows Media *.wmv
ioMPEG 23 Video MPEG *.mpeg, *.mpg, *.mp4
ioPSD 24 Adobe PhotoShop *.psd, *.psb
ioIEV 25 TImageEnVect Vectorial Objects *.iev
ioIEN 26 ImageEn native image format with layers (formerly ioLYR) *.ien, *.imageen, *.lyr
ioALL 27 TImageEnVect Vectorial Objects with Layers *.all
ioDICOM 28 DICOM medical imaging format *.dcm, *.dic, *.dicom, *.v2
ioHDP 29 Microsoft HD Photo/JPEG XR *.wdp, *.jxr, *.hdp
ioRAS 30 Sun RAS (requires IEVision) *.ras
ioSVG 31 Scalable Vector Graphics *.svg
ioDDS 32 DirectDraw Surface *.dds
ioHEIF 33 High Efficiency Image File Format (Requires codec installation) *.heic, *.heif, *.heics, *.avcs, *.heifs, *.avif, *.avifs
ioWEBP 34 WebP *.webp
ioWIC 99 Support for other formats of "Windows Imaging Components" (See: WICFileTypes) -

Formats Supported via Plug-In
Constant Value Description Extensions
iomscCALS 8212 Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support Image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.cals
iomscCIN 8198 Kodak CIN image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.cin
iomscEXR 8199 High Dynamic Range File loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.exr
iomscTTF 8200 Font loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.dfont
iomscDPX 8201 DPX image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.dpx
iomscFITS 8193 FITS image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.fits, *.fts
iomscHEIF 8197 HEIF loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.heic, *.heif, *.avif
iomscJNG 8203 JNG image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.jng
iomscJPEGXL 8213 JPEG XL image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.jxl
iomscM2V 8204 M2V loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in and FFMPEG *.m2v, *.mov, *.mpeg, *.mpg
iomscMAT 8205 MATLAB image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.mat
iomscMIFF 8206 Magick image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.miff
iomscMNG 8207 MNG image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.mng
iomscMP4 8208 MP4 loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in and FFMPEG *.mp4, *.m4v
iomscMSVG 8209 MSVG loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.msvg
iomscPCD 8194 Photo CD image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.pcd, *.pcds
iomscPCL 8195 PCL loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in and Ghostscript *.pcl
iomscPDF 8196 Adobe PDF loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in and Ghostscript *.pdf, *.pdfa, *.epdf
iomscPES 8210 Embrid PES image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.pes
iomscPICT 8217 QuickDraw PICT image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.art
iomscPS 8211 Postscript loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in and Ghostscript *.ps, *.eps, *.epsf, *.epsi, *.epi, *.ept
iomscSVG 8214 SVG image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in (as a raster image, not vector) *.svg, *.svgz
iomscWEBP 8202 WEBP loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.webp
iomscXCF 8215 GIMP XCF image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.xcf
iomscXPS 8216 XPS loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.xps
iomscPICT 8217 QuickDraw PICT Image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.pict, *.pct
iomscJSON 8218 Image Properties JSON File saved with the ImageMagic plug-in *.json
iomscSFW 8219 Seattle FilmWorks Image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.sfw
iomscRGB 8220 RGB Image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.rgb, *.sgi
iomscXBM 8221 X11 Bitmap Graphic loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.xbm
iomscXPM 8222 X11 Pixmap Graphic loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.xpm
iomscAAI 8223 Dune AAI Image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.aai
iomscORA 8224 OpenRaster Image loaded with the ImageMagic plug-in *.ora
iomscWPPDF 9222 Adobe PDF loaded with the WPViewPDF commercial plug-in *.pdf, *.pdfa, *.epdf

Constant Value Description
ioOtherDLLPlugIns + offset 4097 + n External plugins (e.g. JBIG)
ioMiscDLLPlugIns + offset 8192 + n Misc External plugins (e.g. PCL)
ioUSER + offset 10000 + n User registered file formats

Special Values
ioNone 0 Unspecified file format -
ioUnknown 0 Unknown file format -